My quad was kidnapped yesterday.

Justin and I were sitting on the couch at home, getting ready to leave for work in half an hour. He got a call from his brother and jumped off the couch and all I really registered was something about his bike, and stolen. At first I thought it was his crotch rocket, then after he hung up he relayed to me that his brother and sister-in-law’s house had been broken into and that some guns and the quads (mine and Lori’s) were missing. he wasn’t sure if his bike or John’s quad was.

Now I’m sitting on the couch, computer on my lap, looking at my fiance like he grew a second head as he calls off work and changes out of his nice work clothes. It really didn’t register to me. I continue to stare at him and nod every once in awhile as he kisses me and runs out the door to make the half-hour drive to his brother’s house. Lori, his sister in law, was there alone as she was the one to come home first and see the wreak that the people left their home in.

I had to go to work for a couple hours, but I used the rest of my vacation time to book it out early. I still really hadn’t registered what happened until I got to their house and started talking with Lori.

The quad was really special to me. Justin and I were riding around on it and his bike when he took me to the place he proposed to me. That kind of hurts the most. Those stupid people, whoever they are, took something that has such little monetary value but such a massive amount of sentimental value it’s just irreplaceable. I never thought I’d say this, but if they catch the people who stole our quads, Lori’s jewelry from her father since she was a little girl, guns passed down through Justin and John’s family…I seriously will sue the hell out of whoever they are.

My dad is one of those eye for an eye types. Not old fashioned, per say, but the type to defend what is his tooth and nail. He always has had a German Shepard and a gun in the house, ready to smite down anyone who dared try to take what he and my mom worked for. He always said there’s no way in hell anyone would get away with trying to steal for free what they worked for. I will definitely be my father’s daughter when we have a house of our own.

There is one silver lining in all this. Justin and I always disagreed about keeping a nice big dog in the house. I always grew up with at least one German Shepard in the house at all times, and for years we had two. Justin believes dogs belong outside. argument has always been, what good is a dog when he’s tied up outside? I totally get my inside guard dog now. I’m thinking rottweiler 😉

I’m dying.

Not really, but my throat feels like sandpaper and it won’t let up! Seriously. It’s June. The weather has evened out and I should not be feeling like crap. Justin blames it on the humidity outside compared to our air conditioner being cranked up full blast during the night. Well damn. I just cannot win.

Oh a much brighter note…TADA!:

That’s right!  That’s my new baby!  We picked her up earlier this week.  I haven’t even had a chance to ride it yet though, I had to go to work =(   This is actually 1 of a pair of quads we bought.  Lori got one that matches this one exactly, so we’re twins! haha.  Justin and I will be heading over to John and Lori’s house Saturday to work on them and ride them, I seriously cannot wait.

This week has gone on forever,  and I think my to-do list is about a mile long and not getting any shorter.  I’m tankful for Justin, who lights a fire under my ass and gets me moving on the major things, like paying bills. haha.

Tomorrow I’m actually off from my morning job, I just have night job from 5-11, but I’ll probably stick it out until 12.  I’m so glad it’s almost the weekend.

Oh my, the heat!

I have to say, I love hot weather. I would so do well in the tropics where all you do is lay around and sweat. Hell freaking yeah. To bad I live in Pennsylvania, and we only get maybe a month and a half or two of gorgeous, scorching, summer heat.

I did get some sun today at the playground job.  I may buckle down and get some sunscreen…but I really want a tan! haha.  I love being out in the sunshine.

Another nice thing about the heat is after the rain, it makes scenes like this:

right out of a travel brochure.  That was taken this weekend up at the camp.  Beautiful river, and very fun to tube down!

Speaking of camp, we’re going up for a week straight at the end of June into July.  WITH MY NEW QUAD! sorry, just had to throw that in there.

bye now!

This is what happens when a few winos find themselves with a bottle of wine and no cork screw:

It’s rather amazing how creative you get!

Anyway, I had an amazing weekend that ended up in buying a quad! Trailboss 325 to be specific 😉 Justin’s going to the Notary on Tuesday to get the title and whatnot transfered, so basically I could be riding by the weekend, which would be great. I’m so pumped, and I never thought I’d get a quad. It never was really my thing until I got together with Justin, now I have the bug =)

So that’s the update for the day. Great weekend, too bad tomorrow is Monday.